Relaxation Techniques
We are exposed increasingly to stress through job, existence fear, double burdens of family and work, unemployment, disease etc. More and more people are getting older and many have recognized that they must act in own responsibility to preserve their health in the long term. Also the reduction of costs in the health care has contributed the promotion of health welfare measures significantly. Therefore the need for health measures and relaxation procedures increases steadily.
I work in a consultative profession in healthcare as relaxation pedagogue
and consider it as my duty to offer measures in prevention for healing and to prevent that diseases can not even arise.
With my preventive relaxation procedures many psychosomatic incidents can be avoided, such as
Sleep disorders
Restless situations
Anxiety disorders
Nervous heart and circulatory disorders
High blood pressure
Gastro intestinal troubles
Muscle tension
Back pain
My relaxation methods range from active auto hypnotic procedures, such as autogenic training by
J.H. Schultz and the progressive muscle relaxation by E. Jacobson, which are the best known.
Furthermore I work by eastern methods, like sound massage, which were used already 5000 years ago in Asia in the Vedic healing.
Furthermore, Reiki - also a very old Asian therapeutic method and sound
massage. |