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Quantum Healing


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Quantum Healing

"Are you sure, that everything is so,
as you think, that it is"





Quantum healing or 2 point method (QCT – Quantum Consciousness Transformation).

Quantum healing is a practical application of quantum physics – every reality can be described as energy and vibration - everything is light and information.

The methods of Dr. Bartlett/Dr. Kinslow are lasting effective. With the 2 point method an opening through all energetic levels to the pure consciousness level is created. An impulse is placed in the blueprint of a person. Via intention an impulse occurs, which comes from the consciousness level and transfers through all levels (spirit-mental-emotional-physical) of the receiver restoring the original ideal condition.

The blocking programmes are transferred to quantum level and because of the changed energy field of a person also the outer reality changes. Because of the deliberate choice seeing it different, the old reality collapses and new possibilities at once manifest.

Themes are carried of in layers, sometimes in short time, but more likely in days, weeks or months.

So e.g. the following resolve:

 physical problems of any kind

 emotional problems/trauma

 passion behaviour/dependancies

 psychological blockades

 limiting dogmas

 life issues like: money, relationships, profession



  Dr. Quantum Double Slit Experiment

FromYouTube  (You are transferred to an external website)!