

Relaxation Technigues

Energy Work

Singing Bowls Massage



Quantum Healing


Autogenic Training

Progressive Muscle Relaxation

Brief Portrait




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Reiki means universal life energy and is an old holistic treatment and relaxation method to harmonize body, mind and spirit.

The treatment occurs lying and completely dressed and as needed covered, in a relaxed atmosphere with music and scent of ethereal oils.

Starting at the head the hands are placed on different positions, if desired also with some distance to the body. The energies are stimulated and intensified, blockades resolved. The energy flows and can be felt as a warm sensation/tingling in the body. It is a very relaxing and soothing experience.

How does a Reiki treatment work?

The energy centres (chakras) are harmonized - this leads to an increase in energy.

It releases blockages, solutions to problems appear suddenly and decisions can be made.

Body, soul and mind will be harmonized completely by this deep relaxation.

Effects of Reiki?

relaxes and reduces stress

balances and relaxes

increases the concentration

brings relaxation and calming

activates the self-healing forces and

accelerates healing processes

releases blockades and balances the energy

in the body back

supports other treatments

does not replace a doctor or medicine,

but strengthens the immune system

promotes spiritual growth