

Relaxation Technigues

Energy Work

Singing Bowls Massage



Quantum Healing


Autogenic Training

Progressive Muscle Relaxation

Brief Portrait




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Progressive Muscle Relaxation

What is Progressive Muscle Relaxation?

The progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) is besides autogenic training one of the best-known relaxation procedures. The method was first 1929 described by the American physiologist Edmund Jacobson. He recognized that internal unrest, stress and fear cause tensions of muscles and lead to a reduction of the muscle strings.

The PMR is based on alternating exertion and relaxation of certain muscle groups.

How does the Progressive Muscle Relaxation work?

Through exertion and relaxation certain muscle lots in the body are loosen and a more and more deeper relaxation (progressive) can occur.

Effects of Progressive Muscle Relaxation?

The PMR is a prevention measure like the autogenic training and is easy and fast to learn, and integrates easily into daily life. PMR is a scientifically validated method and there is evidence of effectiveness by:

Stress reduction

Muscle tension

in rehabilitation

psychosomatic complaints such as:

Sleep disorders


High blood pressure

How does Progressive Muscle Relaxation work?

By an individual deliberate, conscious tension and

subsequent relaxation of muscle groups (e.g. arms,

legs, neck) a State of deep relaxation of the whole

body is reached. Your concentration is directed

towards changing between tension and relaxation

and you can thus increase the body perception and

deliberately cause relaxation.

Tension - relaxation (conscious release) – inquire
